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Tips for an optimal milk supply

Before your baby arrives:

  1. Learn about hand expression from 36 weeks

One of the most practical ways to support milk supply is to learn the technique of hand expressing while you are still pregnant. This is the process of manually squeezing and collecting any colostrum (early milk) in the breast. Not everyone manages to collect colostrum and that is okay, learning the technique ahead of time is the main goal. You will need to wait until 36 weeks of pregnancy and seek approval from your healthcare provider. 

  1. Learn about the golden hour and the benefits of skin-to-skin

The golden hour/hours represent the first 1-3 hours post birth that are very impactful on the long-term breastfeeding journey. Learn about the breast crawl, which is where the baby finds their way to the nipple and latches on themselves! Studies have shown that babies who self-initiate their first feed have better feeding outcomes. Discuss prioritising the golden hours in your birth plan with your care providers. 

  1. Touch base with a Lactation Consultant and know what services are available

It is great to know what support is available ahead of time. Find out what your birth hospital and local council have available. If you have the means to enlist some private support, seek out a local International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and see if they have some availability around your due date. Doing a bit of research before your baby arrives helps to take the stress out of finding support if needed when your baby is here and you may be experiencing challenges. Delegating this research to a close support person can also be a good thing to do.

  1. Naturopath, nutritionist and/or integrative doctor support for hormonal conditions

If you have any (above) conditions that may predispose you to low milk supply it is great not only for your breastfeeding journey, but your overall health to get support with these before your baby’s arrival. There is so much a naturopath, nutritionist and/or integrative GP can do to support your health and optimise your milk supply, and having a solid treatment plan can help to guide the way. 

  1. Postpartum planning: meal planning and delegating household chores

Planning will allow you and your partner to focus on establishing feeding in those early days and weeks. Good nutrition is really important to support healing, sleep and milk supply. The less you have to worry about running the house and the more you can utilise your village of friends, family and professionals, the more mental and physical energy you can dedicate to feeding and bonding with your newborn. 

After your baby arrives:

  1. Unlimited breastfeeding Deep latch 

When your baby arrives, frequent and unlimited breastfeeding will allow your baby and body to communicate, and this drives supply and demand. The more your baby demands (feeds) breastmilk, the more your body will respond by increasing the supply. It is normal for feeding to be all over the place in the early days, particularly before your milk volume increases, which is typically seen around 72 hours and beyond. 

  1. Hydration and nourishment

A well-nourished mother is better able to nourish her baby. Eating an extra 300-500 calories per day is required to support breastmilk production and volume. Getting adequate protein levels is also really important, aiming for around 20-30 grams per meal will support hormonal health and provide the building blocks for breastmilk production. Around 3 litres of water is required, as 80% of breastmilk volume is water. I love electrolytes for optimising the way your body can utilise the fluids you consume, my favourites are here.

  1. Pumping and bottle feeding technique

If expressing breastmilk is needed to support milk supply and enhance supply and demand, making sure you have a hospital-grade pump that fits well is essential. Efficiency is key. A lot of parents find pumping and washing pumping equipment very time-consuming. Feeding any expressed milk with a bottle must be done with the paced bottle feeding technique, this means your baby will be less likely to develop a flow preference for a fast and easy bottle and reduce their fussing at the breast. 

  1. Supplements and galactogogues

Most stop taking their prenatal once pregnancy is done, however, taking a good quality prenatal throughout breastfeeding will support the body’s need for micronutrients. Certain foods are thought to have milk-increasing effects, although high-quality research tends to be lacking around these, and knowledge is more anecdotal. Some galactagogues (milk-increasing foods and herbs) to try are oats, brewers yeast, fennel, fenugreek, goat’s rue, raspberry leaf, linseed, ginger, garlic and barely to name a few. Consulting with a nutritionist, herbalist, naturopath and/or IBCLC is a great way to go, particularly when exploring herbs. 

Seek support

If you are concerned that your baby is not getting enough breastmilk and you are needing support with breastfeeding then seeking some professional support is key! Book in with a local IBCLC or GP + IBCLC for guidance around your individual needs. Perceived or genuine low supply can be stressful, so speaking with a psychologist, or enlisting the support of a postpartum doula can also help you to feel emotionally supported. Stress can have an impact on your hormones and milk supply, so taking a holistic approach means you are covering all bases. All JWP services can be viewed and booked online here

Joelleen Winduss Paye

IBCLC Lactation Consultant, Registered Endorsed Midwife, Naturopath & Educator est.2021



This knowledge is general in nature and from Joelleen’s experience as an expert IBCLC Lactation Consultant. This information does not constitute as advice, nor does it replace the advice given by an expert health professional in the confines of a consultation. This content is purely educational to support parents seeking clarity around their newborn and also helps the reader to decide if Joelleen is the right IBCLC Lactation Consultant for them.